My artwork is personal. Each piece is about a specific experience, and the roses in them, which I damage in some way (burning, sewing, pinning down, etc.) and then photograph, show how life has affected me. The statue images—which I took many years ago in Paris—and the photos of me when I was young represent feelings and memories. The black bird in each piece represents trouble, difficulty. What I’m trying to show is that we (I and most people) go through a lot in life—disappointment, loss, regret, aging etc.—and all of that shapes us. But, if they don’t destroy us, life’s trials can make us more interesting, more empathetic, and altered yet still beautiful.
This mixed media series, “Introspections,” is a combination of my oil painting, photography, ink, and charcoal. I’m currently developing a new series of oil on paper paintings, “Sea Abstractions,” not shown here as yet.
I’ll be selling prints on Etsy in March or April of 2025.
Click on any of the images below to see it larger.
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